This is something we have thought, too. Ethanol
is supposed to take the place of oil-based gasoline, but just THINK of the
energy it takes to produce ethanol. We quite desperately need to find,
invent, or whatever, a source of energy to run our vehicles...from tractors (to
produce the hay) to trucks (to haul it) to pickups (to take us to endurance
rides.) This is a useless post, as we all know we have a problem.
How to solve it is something else.
I didn't think so either - but saw a doc on one of the
evening shows just a couple of months ago abouth this subject. It appears no
crop is safe, and hay is also being supplanted by corn...all so we can also
pay MORE for this iodtic notion of gasoline...anyone want to fnind out the
energy required to MAKE the ethanol?