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RE: [RC] [RC] OT, vet question/heartworm meds - Ranelle Rubin

Since Heartworms are carried by mosquitos, I don't see how anyone can say that a dog can't get it just because they are fed raw food? The same with the virus's from which the vaccine's protect them. JMO.

Neither of these distructive afflictions are carried in dog food, so why would anyone think raw food would protect them from it? I am sure your dogs will be healthier, and better withstand any disease, but I doubt it would protect them from it.

Ranelle Rubin
R.Rubin Consulting


916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax

From: "Amber Roberts" <Amber@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [RC]   OT, vet question/heartworm meds
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:05:26 -0500

I'm having questions about shots and heartworm meds for dogs and my husband suggested I write here to see if any of the vets would have an impartial opinion. Since the kibble dog food poisoning issue, I started feeding my dogs raw food April 1st. Since then, their dirty brown 5 yr. old teeth are now puppy white and their coats are shiny. They LOVE their meals now and are doing extremely well. However, I've been reading that dogs fed like this get and remain very healthy and do not need distemper, rabies shots or heartworm meds. As I'm about to give the HW again on the 15th, I'm curious as to whether I need to continue giving this poison to them every month. We live in hot Texas. Any opinions here?



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[RC] OT, vet question/heartworm meds, Amber Roberts