After someone of RC said that they'd heard that Luwex would not be importing their pads into the USA in the future, I did email and check with The Horseshoe Barn and below is their reply.? BTW, big thank you to Jody and Angie for all their help in ordering and using these pads.? I'm really impressed with them.? Cindy
Sorry it took so long to respond.? Was waiting for a response from our supplier.? As always, it is very difficult to keep up with the demand of Luwex pads in this country.? It has been this way since we began carrying them in 1999.? No one is aware of any plans to discontinue importing this product.? The Germans just have a different work ethic/mindset from ours (ie we'll get them when we get them)!
I am having a difficult time getting the small orthopedic rim pads.? As far as the pad you
?order -- small, flat, full -- I have at least 50 pair in stock, so that should last for some time!?