The interesting update on the Spotted Owl is: The
Barred Owl is moving into Spotted Owl territory, harassing them and raiding
their nests, so the government's solution is to kill as many Barred Owls as
possible. This is published news in various newspapers. You have to
wonder sometimes.....
As far as I can tell, this is a really big problem... everyone
should watch the EPA episode of "Penn & Teller's: Bullsh*t". There's
a great segment about the Spotted Owl, and how our "protection" of them by
stopping the logging is in effect limiting their preferred environment (stage
2 growth forest, I believe). Times like this I wonder if the
"environmentalists" even look at any data, and rather just assume that no
environment should ever be touched or we are "harming" some poor little animal
;-) Now I hope no one gets offended, because anyone who knows me knows
I'm a huge animal advocate (just take a look at my footer, ha ha), but you
have to look at the facts, or you're simply being counterproductive... to both
the animals AND people.