Lucy, the comment of a possibility of a leg through
the tie system, I believe was in reference to a Tie-rite. I too do not like the
design for "me". The V off the trailer just looks like a possible spot for a
horse to somehow get its head in there, or as mentioned, a leg of the horse for
some reason reared. We all have to choose what equipment looks to work best for
OUR horses. What I might have a concern over, the next person would see no
reason to be concerned at all. Many use bungee ties, I hate them. Many want a
bridle or reins that might break away if the horse were to get loose, so it did
not get tangled in brush etc., and I do NOT want things to break. Here is a
photo of the tie-rite system. It attaches very different, and as mentioned,
won't go on all trailers.