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Fwd: Re: [RC] Placerville decreased wildlife - D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson

Great information from Steve on how to move Mt. Lions
from your area.  Thanks Steve!

--- Steve Shaw <sshaw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

   The best thing would be to increase hunting of
deer and turkeys.Hunters (venison eaters) would
welcome that and then the lions wouldbecome more
travelers.  Yes, if the are a lot of tame deer around
thelions can have a field day and stick around.  But
since they are nottagged (which would be an
interesting study) you can't tell if they arethe same
animals or just overlapping territories, which can
happen withlots of deer around.
Increased deer hunting would also save a lot of auto
repairs! Many autokilled deer end up on the lion's
menu and keep them around an area.Another option is to
let sporters with dogs chase the lions for fun.The
dogs eventually tree the lion, the people show up and
yell at thelion and then leave.  The lions aren't hurt
but they become very timidabout people and dogs, which
can keep them away and somewhat safer.
I actually enjoy the few times I ever get to see them.
They are not thethreat that is usually perceived (now
that my puppy is so muchbigger!)  Someone killed a
female on my property and a week later I sawher two
cubs, about bobcat size, trying to make it on their
own.  I amsadly sure they didn't.

Bounce this to ridecamp if you like....


D&#39;Arcy L. Demianoff-Thompson   


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