At one time in the past, I used to think the Parelli
training was just a promotional thing to make money, and of course it does, for
Pat and his wife. But I watched a local woman work with our young mare who
had been started but had some issues that made her unrideable by a senior rider
like me. All of the "7 games" may sound silly, but have great practical
applications. Long story made short, this mare is now perfectly rideable
and is improving all the time. Her only issue is a bit of timid behavior
when facing something she doesn't know. She also is happy to let her
pen-mate lead and take the brunt of the unknown. I don't consider that bad
behavior...yet. I believe with another year of riding, she's going to be
really fine. A young, gifted friend, a really fine rider, has been working
with her and has taken her to a local horse show. This mare will do her
first endurance 50 in August. Our friend has the use of the mare for the
cost of the shoeing only. We keep the mare here, feed her, vet her and
otherwise support her except for shoeing. Our friend gets to ride her as
if she were her own horse, though she is still legally ours.
That was too funny. Speaking of Parelli, can anyone
recommend an inexpensive way to get involved in using the Parelli
system? Anyone not using the level 1 system any more that they want to
If you are clever, you can get all
of the seven games off of his website, and print most of level one off the