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Re: [RC] You know your kid's a true rider when.... - Mary Ann Spencer

Great story. Seems they either have the horse bug viris or they don't!!!!! Enjoy your riding together.. it may or maynot stop when the hormones hit............

----- Original Message ----- From: <Spottedracer@xxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 5:58 AM
Subject: [RC] You know your kid's a true rider when....

....She has her first 'true' fall (slow gallop, horse sidestepped a rough patch, kid riding bareback didn't anticipate, so an impressive bite-the-dirt-fall).. Cries a bit due to emotional shock, decides she'd rather ride back than walk the 5 miles, gets back on, ends up cantering again within a mile....

...Five days later on a training ride. You're riding the spooky horse (famous for dumping you at least once-a-month - due to spooking at SAME s**** she's seen a hundred+ times).. Daughter jokes that it's your turn to hit-the-dirt since she did this week.. 100 feet later, your mount jumps to the side and rears straight up (that pile of wood you passed on the way out - MIGHT'VE turned into a crocadile you know!).. So of course you bite-the-dirt pretty hard... After catching breath, you pull yourself up by your horse's breast collar (yep, after spooking, damn thing's calm as a dead-head)... For the remaining 3 miles ride home - your daughter engages you in a rather lively discussion of what SHE should do WHEN you bite-the-dirt and: aren't breathing.. aren't concious... aren't cussing (cussing means you're generally OK..)... etc, etc....

... That evening in the pool, Daughter wants to see the very large black bruise developing on your lower back/butt area.. Then tries to claim that her little bruises/scrapes were worse.. This becomes a lively debate over who bites-the-dirt harder...

..yep, she's now a true rider - and turns eight years old this month...

- LP


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[RC] You know your kid's a true rider when...., Spottedracer