Thanks for the advice Laura... that's exactly what
I did yesterday! I have been kind of in a slump lately.. always having
something that needs to be done and in consequence haven't been on my horse in a
couple of weeks. When I read your post I canceled my plans for yesterday
and headed up to spend the day with the ponies....
My day went really well.. I took out my gelding Sal
AND I ponied my lease mare Shaylee... along with 2 dogs and we headed out
through our wildlife area to a big pond. Should have seen the looks I was
getting from the neighbors for not just having ONE horse but TWO! The dogs
loved the pond, laying down in and reveling in the cool water, and both horses
had a huge drink and were splashing and playing. I felt so great!
What a wonderful reminder of WHY I carry hay and fix fence and pay the vet and
the farrier etc. etc...