Re: [RC] Response from one of the "rude" riders - steelsidedown
With all this chatter ... I must give credit where
it is due..
I live and usually ride in the NE region. We
routinely share the trail with several top level AERC + FEI
competitors. These folks are the upmost ladies and gentlmen on trail.
I have NEVER had reason to have anything but the upmost respect for their
abilities and sportsmanlike behavior. Its an honor to share to trail with
such personable professionals. (In what other sport do you get to
ride and chat with your heros?) These folks are always corteous and watch
out for us "little guys". A true asset to our sport.
That said, being a professional, with X amount of
miles, selling endurance horses for profit, does not give anyone the right to be
rude. In fact that puts you in a spotlight where everyone will notice
everything you do. One in that position must be very careful to set a good
example for those aspiring to similiar endurance goals. And if you chose
not to, well woe onto you, you need to be ready to get as good as you are
giving. The rest of us have but so much patience.