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[RC] Discussion on Rude Riders - Patti Stedman

Hey folks.
I've been reading the discussion re: rude riders and what AERC and Ride Managers can and should do about them with great interest, as are the members of the Ride Managers' Committee, as finding a system for addressing this issue has been on our agenda.  We know it's not an easy one, but there have been some incidents in the last year or so that have motivated us to act.
You may also wish to drop a line to me, or any member of the Committee (each Region has at least one representative on the RM Committee), regarding constructive suggestions about what we might do to resolve this.
And while I really enjoyed Bruce Weary's suggestions, I'm afraid at least two or three of those are illegal in some states.  ;-)
--Patti Stedman (NE)
Patti Ann Stedman, CHMM
Proactive Compliance Services Inc.
"A Common Sense Approach to Health, Safety and Environmental Training and Compliance"
716 560 8297