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[RC] Rude Riders and Attitude - FXLivestock

I don't know what happened this weekend in the Ozarks, but below is an interesting quote:
"But one point I want to make...  our "little" rides
here in the Ozarks are like small backyard horse
shows, people come to the rides to  have FUN, relax
and enjoy the trails with their horses and friends.
There is a little friendly competition, but that's not
the reason folks are coming to our rides.

We have a strong "To finish is to win", ethic here and
we don't care about trying to beat a course record or
seeing how fast you can finish the course, just
because you can.

If you want to play the "I'm better than you game"
don't bother us here in our little neck of the woods.
We really don't need those types of riders to come and
run our ride managers off."
Every AERC endurance ride recognizes placing and every AERC endurance ride, regardless of the atmosphere, and contributes to the regional and national awards.  Many of these awards are based on speed or placing.  Although every AERC sanctioned event is a ride every event is also a race.  As a ride manager, you can try to create an atmosphere that may minimize racing but if competitive riders show up with fit horses, follow rules, pass vet checks, and are not rude, they should be able to attempt break a course record if they want to without being put down by riders or ride management.  They should be treated with the same respect as last rider on a 100 mile ride who chooses to take 24 hours to complete even though the rider who finishes in front of him finished 6 hours before.  Tolerance has to work both ways in this sport.
So are you guys complaining about riders that are being rude or that riders that are being competitive?  There has to be room for both types of riders  (racers and completers) at AERC rides BUT there should be no room for any rude riders.
Until AERC sanctions rides as "completion only" and does not recognize placing at rides, I think that ride managers and riders do have to have some tolerance for competitive riders and racing to some degree.  It is part of this sport.   To me, the below quote sounds like they only want non competitive riders at their rides  Can you imagine if this attitude was reversed and only welcomed hot shoes?
Kim Fuess
AERC #6648

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