Re: [RC] Rude Riders and Great Ride Managers!!!! - SandyDSA
I know copying the entire post is not a great plan but this on e is short
and bears notice by ALL regions and ALL riders. It is one thing to become
frustrated with one's own "senior moment" out on a trail, or to kindly ask
if there could be more water (something reasonably important). But I have also
seen and heard the whining, complaining and even screaming of riders at
VOLUNTEERS as well as RMs for reasons out of the RM's control, such as missed
turns, and even some stocking their nose where it doesn't belong in terms of who
gets a completion or not. I would add to the wise missive below, if you want to
throw tantrums and behave like spoiled children, stay home so the rest can ride
in peace - or better yet go see if your mama can remind you how to behave in
public. This author is correct - this kind of behavior will only result in there
being fewer and fewer opportunities to even HAVE these great events to go to. It
is a lot of hard and often thankless work, and then
some brat comes along and throws a tantrum at a ride. For heaven's
sake, DON'T take it out on volunteers either! Having seen this boorish behavior
just a few months ago and by people who hold themselves in high esteem
<VBG>, I certainly HOPE people take note of this issue and grow up. That
is all it takes! SO EASY! GROW UP! There. Off to feed. Oh and we have a brand
new filly - with two endurance parents, this ought to be quite a gal! And NO,
Steph she is not for sale:) - this one is a keeper! S
I know
that riders were rude to ride management when the Sunflower Classic ride was
also cancelled. CENTRAL REGION RIDERS LISTEN UP!!!!!! You had better
treat ride management better and stop making problems for ride
management!! Don't get on ride management when you miss turns,
etc. All CT ride managers to my knowledge spend many days, even
weeks, giving up their own riding time trying to lay out a safe easy to
follow trail to put on a quality ride. It is not their fault the
weather didn't cooperate and made the conditions unsafe for riding and it is
also not their fault you are going too fast or having too much fun talking to
friends and miss a turn or two. I know of one ride manager in CT
Region who is not putting on a ride again because of rude and unsportmanship
riders. She put on a two day ride this spring. If this keeps up we
will have no rides we can afford to go to anymore. With the rising price
of fuel the local ri des especially the multiday rides will become even
more important to us all. Please don't let a small number of rude
riders ruin the sport for the rest of us!!! If you don't like how they
do things then you manage a ride!!! Thanks to all CT Region Ride
managers. You are the greatest. Happy