[RC] Dark Pee But Fabulous Looking Horse - Vchorsegal
I have a mare that was doing great like yours, but peed dark. The vet told me that sometimes mares have a weird little tie-up or stess ( hormonal ? ) & by the time it shows up, it's well over. I was ready to pull if needed at lunch, but she finished her first 50 in good form. A couple of other gals I respect that ride mares told me a similar thing to the vet. I also know that certain types of Electrolytes produce a darker urine- I have seen this myself. I think the bottom line is try to figure it out, and if the vet feels she is fine, go but have the voice in your head come with ! It is interesting that is was my mare's first 50 also, & she peed darker at lunch. She had done several 25s prior to that. She has done 3 more conservative 50's with seemingly no problems ! Best of Luck !