In a message dated 05/15/2007 1:58:33 P.M. Central Standard Time,
bwalker2@xxxxxxx writes:
So my next
question :) is what do you use to judge what your particular
horse needs?
Certainly, if your horse has had a problem with thumps,
cramps, etc. that would be a signal that he needed more
electrolytes. However, the whole idea is to avoid those
problems, so what do you go by?
Dawn mentioned the difference in salt
block consumption
I too have noticed the ones that I do not give elytes to are the ones who
never touch a salt block. For me it was a long learning experience and really
knowing my horse. I rode Faroh for many rides and starting noticing he would
stop eating and drinking when he had elytes. So one ride I gave him none and it
became apparent what was going on.