I always worried about over-elyting
and so dosed minimally as well. It worked until my last 50, which was hotter
than we had trained for due to the sudden change in weather. Since I’d never elyted this horse before I used smaller than called for
doses. Unfortunately, it caused thumping at the end of the ride, so no
completion (:<(.I had e-lyted
before we started and at each vet check, I’d skipped about 3 or 4 water
stops. I will dose a little heavier and more frequently from now on.
Regarding the preloading the days prior to the ride, I know
many do it and swear by the protocol, but I’ve read that the horse’s
body will just eliminate the extras, and that you only need to elyte them for what they are going to be losing in the next
couple of hours. Does anyone know if this is accurate?
Beth wrote:
The electrolytes I currently have (nobody mentioned them - AppleLyte crystals) I use pretty sparingly, and only on
really hot days or before a race. I knew that you could over-dose on elytes, so I generally add it to his beet pulp the night
before. If I get heavy- handed, my horse won't eat it, so that limits me to
giving him about a quarter of what the directions call for. I mostly use them
to try and get him to drink reallywell before
the ride.