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Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] Re: Changes to completion rules considered - Joe Long

heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Joe, I've read that argument over and over again. And as several others have eloquently pointed out, many horses are facing their biggest stress of the day AFTER the ride, when they are loaded into trailers within an hour or two and hauled home. So that dog don't hunt!

A question occurred to me: how does it help the horse to be thrown into his trailer and hauled down the highway 30 minutes after finishing, instead of one hour? Shortening the time for the post-ride exam (or recovery) will just allow these people to load up and leave even sooner.

Here's a scenario for you: Ol' dobbin is not recovering, so he's pulled at 30 minutes after finishing. His rider loads him in the trailer and leaves. Meanwhile, Ol' dobbin begins to colic -- with the rider driving down the highway blissfully unaware of his worsening condition. Had the final check been one hour, Ol' dobbin would have coliced while still in camp close to the vets. Now, just how did the 30-minute cutoff help this horse?


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