RE: [RC] Rule Change - Valerie JaquesYou're not finished until the horse pulses down. Therefore, you do effectively have an additional 30 minutes. I've done enough of 'em to know how it works. You cross the "finish" line, but you are not finished, then hang around in the pulse box. Your horse must meet criteria in 30 minutes. At that point, you have finished. You have 30 minutes from the time the horse meets pulse criteria to vet through. See rule L5.4 At the finish, ride time of the competitor continues until a preset veterinary criteria of 60 heartbeats per minute or less is met. (Finishing time is recorded as the time at which the rider asks for and subsequently meets this preset criteria.) There is no marked finish line on the course that is used to determine placing or completion time. Kristen A Fisher <kskf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: