I'll add my 2 cents worth here. I don't see
why Barbaro can't live cover a mare ---IF--- the laminitis
heals reasonably well. The break in his right foot isn't the issue here;
that has healed remarkably well. It's the laminitis in the left foot
that is the issue. I know laminitis is hard to heal....I have an old
pony (I think she came off of the Ark) who foundered in all four feet
before I got her. I put an excellent farrier to work on her, keep her
trimmed regularly and give her joint medicine for her aches and pains.
If she is showing signs of major discomfort I will give her a little
bute. She's fine, every so often we put a saddle on her and let her
teach a little kid how to ride. She's happy and so are we. I
couldn't see putting her down because she had foundered when her life is very
good right now. Granted, Barbaro might do nothing more than be a Pasture
Potato, and if he can get some breeding done on the side, well life
would be pretty good.....from a guy's point of view. I hope he is around
for a long, long time. I like happy endings.