[RC] A Thought for today and the future - Steven ProeHi Folks;
With all of the talk about GAS and other related issues.
JUST remember WHO or WHAT we have for a President and what his Vice-President
support, What Industries?? Hummm Coal and Gasoline.
I wonder when it will change, "never" unless the People take back the government and
tell our elected officials or recall them Quickly, to do what we want and thing that will
bring back our standard of living and save the plant. ( Yea, the planet includes us )
As violence and fires storms rains and tornado's it must just be a coincidence. (Right)
We will cherish our steeds all the more in the future and want park lands that we can all
ride from our homes and have communities that speak out for these Open Space lands
then we may not have the crowding impacts along with use conflicts.
Opp's, I forgot I care where as most people don't until it hits them and their families in
the pocket and it may already be to late.
To any that I may have offended, time to think. If we all spoke up and helped take a
stand for what some if not most want and believe, I believe we can make a difference.
A point to remember all politics's are local. in my area the Congressman and his
cohorts have been in my opinion sabotaging Northern CA. and the environment and
Park System for a long time, bye bye Mr.? Doooolittle.
Hi Ho it's off to jail we go.
Thanks to all the like minded that do speak out.
In My Opinion, yes we all have one.