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[RC] The Price of Gas - k s swigart

I find it slightly humorous that an assortment of people here are, at
the same time, advocating the development of
new/alternative/cleaner/whatever fuel technologies while at the same
time bitching about the high price of gas and how we need to do
something to do something about both these things.

The way to encourage the development of such technologies is for the
price of gas to continue to go UP or for the increased price to become a
permanent state of affairs.

History has shown us (since the price of gas, in real terms is not as
high as it was in the late 70's early 80's), that a lowering of the
price of gas will just return users to their former profligate ways with
respect to its use.

New technologies will not be developed unless there is an economic
reason to do so.  And there will never be an economic reason to do so if
there is a competing technology with is both cheaper and easier.

For those who are interested in the development of new fuel
technologies, the high price of gas is a GOOD thing.

Orange County, Calif.


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