Greetings, may be one of the first ones home so I will tell what I
know. There was a 3 way run for first on the 50--including Mary
(Kornwolf) Howell also BC, Bonni Hannah and a 3rd lady whose name
escapes me(sorry) ride time of about 4:30---tenth place was right at
6 hrs if i remember correctly. Still have DIMR---For 100 news, Steve
Rojek won(ride time 10:16) with Kathy Brunjes and Meg Sleeper very very
close behind, Meg and Troy got BC and 4th was Lois MacAfee,I may have
3rd and 4th backwards, my friend Ruth Anne Everett was 5th and I ended
up 6th(Lynn Kenelly---it is Irish) with a ride time of 10:46.
I am very psyched to have done well running with the Big Dogs for the
first time and earned my CoC on the first attempt with my fabulous
horse, Sonny, like they say in Nascar "that horse ran good all day".
The trail was very nasty, the competition was stiff but very friendly
and despite the steady rain demolishing the trail I saw lots of grins
all day long.
Somebody asked about Patti and Ned and I am happy to say they
finished, other finishers in no particular order(other than as they
pop into my brain) Karen Issac, Nicki Mueten, Susan Kain, Kara
Disbrow, Leigh Ann Pauley, Tom Gower, Roxanne Ciccone, Adri
Dinkleman(the anchor for our no named team---we got 2nd!!) Both Joni
Buttram and Josie McGee knocked out solid performances, and that is
about all that I can remember right now. They pulled Jesse Jarrett and
Vicki Crance at the finish for rear end cramps, oh---Hernon
Barbosa(great guy!!) also completed.
Started 59---finished 32 for a better than 50% completion rate in very
gross, sloppy, slippery, wet, nasty, foul etc...conditions
Hopefully Angie will update with more complete results---as a side note
I thought the ride ran very well----never heard any officials screaming
or pointing or angry riders ranting, the trail was marked well(as
usual) plenty of top notch vets and I did not see any back ups at all,
you walked through the pulse box, got your time and went straight to
the vet who took your pulse---if you met criteria your time started
when you walked across the designated line---if your pulse was not down
you had 1 shot to get it right by circling back through the pulse box
and back to the vets, mainly in my opinion to keep everybody honest.
Biltmore is one of the premier rides on the East Coast and the vets
expected us to present them with horses up to the task and sufficiently
recovered, they did make allowances for uhhhhh how do you say "extra
ordinary outside stimulation" pulse bounces.
Any other questions I will try to answer---
happy(DRY) trails
Lynn Kenelly and Reminisonce+/ now w/ 6 100 mile completions