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Re: [RC] rushcreek horses - steelsidedown

Yep -- looked 'em up..
Rushcreek Lad is by Rushcreek Greely X Rushcreek Dixie (by Al-Marah Knight)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] rushcreek horses

I am pretty sure that Rushcreek Greeley was the sire of Trilby's Hall of Fame horse Lad.  When you look back at what these horses have accomplished and are still accomplishing in endurance it is pretty amazing.  Years ago, before the AHA data base was on line and before the AERC data was available, Karen Zontelli and I went through the AERC year books and the AHA CD just looking at the number of Al Marah Knight 1st and 2nd generation horses that competed in endurance.  It was pretty amazing that so many of these horses had not only done well as far as placing (Tevis Cup winners, National and regional champions) but that there were many that had over 1000 competition miles. You have to realize that 1000 miles was considered a lot of miles.   Most of this data is not in the AERC data base because it was prior to 1985.  Al Marah Knight was used on the Rushcreek Ranch as a stallion for many years and many of the his endurance prodgeny were Rushcreek bred. 
I really like the Rushcreek breeding, especially certain lines.  It is amazing that some of the current Rushcreek horses ( or horses with old Rushcreek lines) I have seen or own have the same movement especially at the trot  that I remember seeing in Rushcreek Hans and Rushcreek Eaton, who are at least two generations before these horses.  There is much to be said about the way these ranch horses are raised but there is also something to be said for the breeding behind these horses.  I think this is especially true when it comes to traits like movement and the quality of the gaits a horse naturally has.  I think that Rushcreek had some fabulous broodmares that produced some awesome horses. 
Kim Fuess

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Re: [RC] rushcreek horses, FXLivestock