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Re: [RC] [RC] aluminum stirrups - Barbara McCrary

On the other hand, I've had my aluminum EZ Ride stirrups for many, many years (maybe 20?) and have never had a break or a serious crush.  I found one of them slightly askew some years ago, but it was easy to straighten.  Maybe I'm just lucky and haven't had any serious crashes.
----- Original Message -----
From: Karen Lynd
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] aluminum stirrups

My horse rolled with his saddle on (I now pull all tack at the break or tie him up tight) and smashed a metal EZ ride stirrup on the off side.  It was crushed pretty badly.  I'm glad my foot was not in it when my horse went down on it.  I was able to bend it back enough to finish the ride, but then threw it away. 
A rider at one of the Indiana Rides last year or the year before - maybe Chicken Chase? - had a metal EZ ride stirrup break right across the middle of one side when his young horse shied.  He fell off as a result of the broken stirrup and the horse was missing for several hours.  Someone rode out and tracked the horse.  She found it standing in a creekbed.  The horse was very stressed and its saddle was askew.  I drove out and found the rider in the woods (news of his accident preceded him into camp), and he was carrying the stirrup so I saw the break in the stirrup first hand. 
I still use mine, but I have been thinking about switching to the plastic pair - now Maryben says that they break too?
Karen Lynd
----- Original Message ----
From: Maryben Stover <mbstover@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Lori Bertolucci <loribertolucci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ridecamp <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] aluminum stirrups

No crushed aluminum stirrups but I had plastic ones snap in half...both at once......mb

On 4/12/07, Lori Bertolucci <loribertolucci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jonni, I haven't had my foot in it, but at the Cuyama ride, first day, lunch, my horse somehow got tangled up in the trailer door while tied to the trailer and ended up on the ground. I checked to make sure he was fine and my packs were fine,,,not realizing the stirrup on the off side was completey flat until lunch was over and I was in the saddle trying to figure out why I couldn't get my foot into the stirrup. Needless to say, it was a mad dash trying to find one that I could replace it with. Thank you John Parkes for coming to the rescue! And thank you Becky Hackworth for loaning me a spare for the remainder of the weekend.
That stirrup was completey flattened. And since I always had problems getting my foot out of that stirrup when I would dismount, that squished stirrup was the last straw in making me realize how dangerous it was for me to be using them...I don't need to be knocked over the head, most times..  lol...to learn a lesson.
I am now back to using my old, tried but true, Trail Techs.

Tx Trigger <txtrigger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 Has anyone actually had one of the aluminum stirrups crush around their foot when a horse fell on them, or is this just one of those urban...er, I mean, endurance legends. I'd like to hear actual cases...

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Re: [RC] [RC] aluminum stirrups, Karen Lynd