[RC] hoof protection for the old dominion - Jessica Spoone-Raines
My gelding has been barefoot his whole life and
competed barefoot in ld's last year in Michigan. I am planning on going to the
od this year (not sure if we'll do the 25 or 50) and was wondering what hoof
protection is recomended. I've used easyboots before on him and he does *pretty
good* with them. He generally loses one every 10 miles or so though.I have
bought epics but am leary of rubbing with the gaiter and really dont want to try
and figure out that wrapping thing that people do. I am considering pads and
shoes (I have an excellent farrier) or trying the stuff that glues the easyboot
to their feet. I just want some feedback from people that have been there
before. We tend to meander along at our own pace, enjoying the scenery and time
together so throwing an easyboot every hour or 2 would really suck