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[RC] FEI - issues - Steph Teeter

At the end of the forum the FEI identified 20 areas of concern. I'll list
them here, and try to give a little more about what the thoughts/concerns

1. qualification system - many feel that riders and horses should qualify
progressively - move up from short rides to long rides, and that some of the
shorter rides should be maximum speed events.( e.g. rider and horse must do
2 80km rides (not races) before doing a 120km (75 miles) and 120km before

2. equitation training - the level of equitation and horsemanship is not up
to snuff, especially compared with the other disciplines;

3. public perception of the sport in terms of the dress and terminology
used; - the idea of using 'progressive qualification' to advance to the next
phase or loop during an event. As opposed to 'elimination'. Doesn't really
change anything, but looks/sounds better to the public. More in line with
other disicplines where one progresses through different tests or phases
until the finals.

4. horse log book - the log book stays with the horse, includes all the
rides it has done (the ride vet cards are actually part of the book).
eliminations, warnings, etc are recorded.
Rest periods - if a horse has a series of lameness or metabolic pulls, there
will be an enforced rest period for the horse. e.g. can't compete for 3

5. suspension of riders and horses - repeated metabolic or lameness problems
would be 'punished';
protocol for abandonment - I can't remember what this is;

6. ride finish system - discussion of the 'formula one' or 'grand prix'
finishe where the competition stops at a certain time after the first
finisher. I didn't see much support for this though, most thought it was
interesting, but changed the sport - they didn't want to do that.

7. hold/presentation times - maybe change minimum hold time to 30 minutes
(currently 15 minutes is allowed). encourage more long holds (40 - 50
minutes).  Minimum presentation time of 20 minutes at all vet gates (time
allowed for the horse to recover). No more than 30 minutes at finish.
Course design - the need for quality courses - safety, challenge, fairness,
etc - and maybe the need for a person to take the role of course designer.
currently the technical delegate evaluates the course;

8. star system for ride distances - just about everybody agreed that the
shorter rides - 40km (25mile) 1* rides should go. That distance should only
be a training ride, or at the very least not an FEI sanctioned distance.
80km should be minimum FEI distance. And that there should be a difference
in rating between 120km and 160km. currently they're both 3* rides - same
points, same rules;

9. availability of qualified officials;  - especially need more vets in the
10. monitoring of the officials? performances;  - officials and vets should
perform to a standard

11. re-evaluation of the low-level distances and the potential dangers
linked to them; - 40km races are considered bad for the horse, bad for the
sport. even 80km is too fast, and most agreed that speed is the biggest
danger for the horse.
It was unanymous that 160km (100 miles) was the true/preferred WEC distance.
(no talk of shortening)

12. number of vetgates and their link to the going; weights;  - some
difference on this. the French like few vetgates, longer loops. others like
more vetgates (5 seemed to be most favorable)

13. progressive closing of vetgates; - the idea of increasing the minimum
speed and vetgate cutoff at WECs so that horses weren't straggling in for

14. establishment of regional championships and CEIOs; - more emphasis on
regional/continental championships - as being more inclusive. Desire to keep
WEC's VERY exclusive - cut the field down from 150 to 80 max, and only the
most qualified/elite competitors. Currently any country can field a team as
long as the riders meet the minimum qualification requirements. Many feel
that the quality/experience of riders at WEC's needs to be increased.

15. development of a comprehensive database;

16. adequate technology;

17. examination of a handicap system; - an idea put forward by South Africa,
which can't compete with it's own horses abroad because of African Horse
Sickness, to allow them to compete in International competitions w/o leaving
their continent. Rate/handicap courses and performances so that they were
equalized around the world, and one country could compete against another
country without leaving home. interesting..

18. progression through star-rating of rides on national and international
level; - along the lines of qualifications, but maybe leave it up to the
Nations to implement. This become important in countries like the USA and
Australia that don't have a lot of FEI rides, especially the shorter FEI
rides which would be necessary as qualification steps. So basically, use
national (USEF/AERC) rides to qualify for FEI competitoin.

19. Education of officials;

20. re-examination of the best condition award rules.  - minor stuff,
looking at horses soon after finishing rather than the next day

Ok, that's it from me!  My son is getting married this weekend, and I'm
managing the 'Owyhee Tough Sucker No Frills' ride  in 2 weeks. I'll get on a
plane in an hour, fly back to Idaho, and resume normal life (sort of).
horses to ride!



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