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[RC] Membership forum??And Mike Maul's point. - Chrystal Woodhouse

Hi :-( what/where is the AERC membership forum and can anyone join??
And since I'm already typing :-) what does USEF stand for? I am assuming it is some sort of American endurance org.??

And last but not least, Jim Holland , Mike Maul had valid points about  RC( and his points are exactly why there are no organizations that I know of who use BB and chat board viewpoints to make policy) and you come across as rude and arrogant by asserting that anyone NOT involved with RC is uninformed and/or doesn't care as much about the sport as RC'ers do, although I think RC can be very informative and I would rather have it than not have it I would not like to see AERC making policy based on what a few vocal people think ( even if a few of them **gasp** happen to agree) if you want change, lobby your directors, start your own program within AERC to deal with stuff, write articles for EN to encourage people to be informed and/or express your viewpoint on an issue that you think is important, I would welcome an article on the whole FEI debate. THAT is how change occurs.
Chrystal :-)