I wasn't recruited either. I went cold stone
to my very first endurance ride in Wisconsin in 1970!! It was a 100.
Somehow I heard about the sport after I did a supposedly 25 mile ride in the
Cleveland metro parks. That ride was a joke, it was a show ride on
trail. But I learned alot! When I went to the 100, I learned
more. I finished 50 of that 100, got to talk to the head vet who also
vetted Tevis. He gave me tons of advice which I still follow with some
extras added on here and there as they fit my game plan. The only ugly
advice I was given was by another rider. He told me to race into the vet
check so I would have a great pulse drop!!!! Needless to say I was almost
pulled at the first vet check but I learned from that too. I learned not
to race into a vet check, and I also learned not to believe everything I was
told. Jeanie