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RE: [RC] [RC] A question for the ladies... - Ranelle Rubin


It sounds as if you may want to play around with the position of the stirrups, or even get a bigger seat (you know of course, that the seat can be changed without the entire saddle)...I never have that problem, so it can be worked out with a change of some sort.

I would get with Candace or Chris, whoever you purchased it from and ask them.

Ranelle Rubin
R.Rubin Consulting


916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax

From: "Juli Bechard" <dakoiah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [RC]   A question for the ladies...
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:16:11 -0400

Ok, got a question for all you other ladies out there....

I have a new Freeform saddle, that I am enjoying. Alpine loves it, and my
knees and back love it too. However, there is one small problem. The
pommel on the saddle is higher than I am used to, and it's, umm, caused some
bruising. It was very apparent out riding yesterday. Alpine just had shoes
put on for the first time in two years, and he isn't quite used to them yet.
So he was either gaiting rough, or he was trotting yesterday. And he had no
concept of the term slow. Furthermore, my arms hurt from working in my
garden the day before, so I didn't care to insist he remember what slow was.
We ended up doing about 14 miles in 2.5 hours, which is pretty fast for us
at this point in our conditioning. Alpine doesn't allow me to post, so I
either had to sit or stand through all of this.

Lets just say I am pretty sore this morning. There is no chafing, just some
bruising. Any ideas on how to stop my saddle from causing bruising in
certain sensitive areas? I can't imagine what I'd feel like after 50 miles
of that! Because I know my horse, and the speed and gaits I had yesterday
are what he's going to give me at a ride. That's his "I feel GREAT! "

Anyway, thank you in advance for any help you can provide!

Juli and the Herd
Alpine (hehehe...that'll teach her to take me out just before dinner)
Merlin (I've been trotting, Mom had better fix this one before I go under


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[RC] A question for the ladies..., Juli Bechard