Did you read page 3 of the March/April TETRA (TX
Equestrian Trail Riders Assoc) newsletter?
We ALL need to e-mail, write and/or call our representatives…
The Texas Parks Restoration Act (House Bill 6) will remove
the cap that has been placed on the amount of sporting good sales tax that goes
into the parks fund. If it passes there will be A LOT more $$$ to be
spent on Texas parks.
In 1993 sales tax from sporting goods sales began going to
the park fund, but in 1995 lawmakers capped the amount going to parks,
diverting the rest to the ‘general fund’. Last year only $20
million of the $105 million tax collected went to parks. Many parks are
in desperate need of repairs and many new parks are needed. The State Park
Advisory Committee reported an annual budget requirement of $80 million for
state and local parks, park roads and park acquisition/development.
Maybe some of those $$$’s could be spent on equestrian
trails and facilities???