I think we would all do well to bear in mind that if an RM is going to end
up losing a good chunk of money putting on a ride, then rides will become more
scarce. Having said that, a ride that makes a few bucks does not bother me; a
ride that rakes in enough to "save" for next year probably ought to be
rethinking the pricing structure, since, if people feel priced out of a ride,
then they won't com eat some point.
The ultimate reality is indeed - that endurance, like skiing or boating or
any other such activity is not a right, but a privilege, and unfortunately, not
everyone can afford to do these things at any given time. Most people have to
sacrifice something over the course of life, and this is no different. Frankly,
demanding that fees be reduced so that just anyone can afford it is tantamount
to running about telling grocery stores and car dealers to lower their prices so
everyone can afford it. We can't afford a boat or an RV or even a new horse
trailer. WAAAHH! So what? Maybe some day - not the boat but the HT - but no on
OWES it to us. So perhaps most people will find themselves in the position of
carefully CHOOSING their events each season....we find it tough to justify
driving from our new home to Terry's rides and THAt really bugs me since we
loved her rides - but it is not reasonable, and not fair to say, "hey can you
lower your entry fee so we can afford the gas to drive down there??"
I am just grateful that these events are around. One pet peeve - when there
is a deadline to sign up, honor it.. When someone cannot make the ride,
especially when the date changes, honor the requirement to refund the entry. We
now will not sign up early because of this situation. I guess if there is a
limited number of riders it is different, but otherwise I am part of the trend
to sign up late so that I don't LOSE that escalating fee. JMHO
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