Just FYI - if the current bill is passed, then NO HORSES will legally go to
Mexico or Canada. Yes, there will always be some who will lie, cheat and
steal, to get the horses over the border......
It is also important to know that it is not the vocal minority pushing this
legislation. Recent polls tell us that the majority of Americans do not
support slaughter.
Karen Everhart MEd President Rainbow Meadows Rescue and Retirement,
Inc. www.rainbowmeadowsranch.com 620-725-3402
Owner/Operator Horse Calls - Equine Management Solutions Centered Riding
Instructor Distance Horse Conditioning and Training www.horsecalls.com 316-648-5082
same horses are still going to be slaughtered, it will just be done in
Canada or Mexico where they will face a long trailer ride, followed by a
long wait time in deplorable conditions.