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Re: [RC] Registration - court order mess. - Truman Prevatt

I suspect it all depends on the agreement at the time of the sell and the state. If the horse was sold as a registered horse - then the papers would normally have to accompany the horse. Otherwise it would not be a registered horse. If it were sold with the understanding that the buyer would not transfer the papers, it would have to be sold with the buyer's full understanding.

If the owner understood that it was being sold without papers at the time of purchase I suspect they are out of luck. If this was not clear to the owner at time of purchase and the owner was led to believe they were buying a registered horse - then they should be able to get the papers. It just all depends. This is the reason all details of any sale should be in writing and agreed to by all parties before the sale.

The only option may be to get a lawyer involved to figure out the legal standings in the state of interest. If a person is entitled to the papers then usually a letter from a lawyer would shake them loose.


sherman wrote:

Sandy, you are obviously a good person and care about the welfare of the horses and so you would do what’s necessary to get the animal & its papers reconnected. However, are you legally obligated to do this? If you were not such a good person, could the court force you to provide the papers on a horse you sold sans papers? That’s my question.



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RE: [RC] Registration - court order mess., sherman