I could only convince my "traditionalist" father to go for the regular easy
boots at first so that's what I did. Plan on using epics for rides later in the
season. Once he sees that they work well I'll get the epics and renegades.
I've been using the easy boots for a few weeks and they have worked really
well. My horse seems to really like the freedom of shoes. He moves much more
free and "lighter" so to speak I guess. I'm not sure what it is but he feels
much more forward and perkier!
Tonight, we did a 9 mile ride. Not very long but it was VERY VERY muddy.
This was the first muddy muddy ride I've tried with them. Plus it was dark
out! :(
Took us about 1 hr. 20 minutes. But it was very muddy and quite slick. The
easy boots stayed on the whole entire ride. It was actually pretty hard to get
them off. Perhaps the new easy boots from this year are even better. They must
be getting better and better each year. It was fairly deep mud.
Now I was only riding in home pasture. I mapped it out. It's 5 laps per
mile. So I did about 45 laps. Therefore it kept making the trail muddier and
muddier and they still stayed on! 90 percent of my trail was atleast ankle deep
Any comments? I was not using any duct tape, vet wrap, etc.
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