Well, maybe AERC can/will start including
more in depth, how to information. Just a guess that maybe whoever decides what
articles should be
included every month might feel they need a lot of variety and new articles
since most areas have probably been covered before, however since there are
(hopefully) always new members thirsting for knowledge on how to do things
correctly, it is okay to repeat the subjects year after year, updated of course
with current ideas & knowledge, and go into subjects a little deeper. Maybe have fewer articles each
month, but more in depth.
OTOH, I found that there is a great deal of how-to
information already in print in the education section of AERC’s website. And, I love to
read the decade teams’ interviews for info. I thought there was a 100
mile riders interviews somewhere, but I can’t find it. Anyway, there is a
section on moving up to longer distances. And don’t forget to take
advantage of a mentor. I have emailed & gotten great responses from mentors
when preparing for Tevis…still didn’t complete, but there’s
always next year.
Chrystal wrote:
I don't consider it a great source of "how
to" information, it is good for information about rides where/when and
standings- it has great articles about individual experiences and Jr. bio's ,
last year they did the thing on the Shenandoah ( sp??) Valley which was good but I don't feel like there is a lot of "
how to stuff." How to train for a 50 maybe but what about a fast 50,
a 100, a fast 100, ideas of how to train for mountains when one doesn't live in
the mountains, electrolyting, when, how much, who is
, who isn't?????? :-) How much does training change over the years?? ( I.e. from year one to say year three with the same horse.)
Long ,slow distances or short and fast? When? How
much? I keep thinking to myself that there is so much good information stored
in the minds of experienced endurance riders, why do I have to go out and find
it all out by myself( and I mean by trial and error as
there isn't a whole lot in print)