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[RC] hearing cougar on trail - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Stacy msmots13@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have been working with my 1100 lb chicken...I mean Arab, teaching him that he 
can be brave and that there are NO killer falling leaves, attack tweety birds, 
etc.  I went out on Saturday and he seemed fine until we got a wooded area 
about 1 mile from the house.  The neighbors have some horses that were running 
around there and that seemed to unglue him.  OK, golden oportunity, so I worked 
him on sidepasses, backing, standing and being brave.  It didn't matter what I 
did, he shook like a leaf and was sweating profusely.  I continued on and after 
about another mile tried to turn him toward's home.  No way was he going back.  
It took some time, and finally got him turned around.  When I got back to the 
spot where the horses were running around he, again, started shaking like a 
leaf.  I then heard it.  Sounded like a bird.  My boy started blowing and 
snorted so bad he got a bloody nose.  I would not have known what that sound 
meant, had it not been for Dawn Simas' web site, www.wildaboutcats.org.  She 
posted it about a month ago so people could hear cougar sounds.

Poor guy, I am proud he did not just dump me and leave me for a Darwin Award.
Thanks again, Dawn, for posting your website, if any of you live in cougar 
country, you need to hear it.
-Stacy-who is sometimes not as smart as her horse.

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