RE: [RC] [RC] convention report - Peter Harper - KimFue
As an organization we need to just knock it off! They are pointless debates that do nothing for the organization.
Instead we need to focus those energies where they can do some good. The population of the US is growing and we are loosing access to lands at an ever increasing rate. Instead of bickering internally we need to focus those energies to do some good for the future of our sport.
Where do we want to be as a sport in 20 years?
Cheers, Pete in TX
Your points about focusing on what is important are very good. Working on open space issues, trail use, etc. come to mind. But what you may not realize is that debate within the organization is what will give us direction for the future. Clarity of issues and debate on issues does give direction to where this organization may be in 20 years. What some may see as pointless debate (LDs, Helmet issues, FEI issues, horse welfare) may actually have an impact on where we will be in the future. It was quite obvious from the presentation made at the convention on our past and our future that endurance riding is quite different in many ways today from what is was in the 1970s. I imagine that in another 30 or 40 years it will have evolved even more.
The issues we discuss today will impact where the sport is in 2030 and beyond. Where does policy come from if not from discussing issues that are important to the membership? From all the so called "pointless debate" policy is being made. Horse welfare issues came to the fore front with "pointless debate". LD is in the process of being re defined or perhaps finally "defined". It isn't pointless debate in my opinion to hash out compromise and evaluate all opinions. This is just part of the growing pains in the process of evolving. The "pointless debates" show there is passion within the ranks of membership of what direction the organization should take in the future. I think this is a good sign as it is much better then apathy within the ranks.
It is obvious that the passion within the membership in AERC can focus on both important issues like open space, trail access, etc. and still be passionate about the so called pointless internal debates. These are not mutually exclusive. As an organization we have really expanded resources and focus in the directions of open space and trail access in the last few years. I see a much more knowledgeable membership base in these areas due to AERC and their programs in the last few years.