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[RC] Why Brainless Riders Don't Wear Helmets - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Howard Bramhall howard9732@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Football players wear helmets.  It's required. So do hockey players.  Even bull 
riders are starting to put them on (about time).  When I played football in 
high school, during the Civil War, even back then we had helmets and were 
required to wear them.  Even with the helmet, I was knocked unconscious 3 times 
during my illustrious football career, with my helmet on (this explains 
everything you need to know about "Howard").  Coaches really should not allow 
players who weigh 130 lbs (this was before I discovered beer) to run back punts.

I'm sorry, but if you don't wear a helmet, while riding a horse who travels 
much faster than any football player I've ever encountered, you have as much 
intelligence as our Special Ed President who thinks UAE is the right place to 
protect our port security (even nut-job Ann Coulter disagrees with dumbass on 
this one).

You can scream freedom and "my rights" till the cows come home but if you don't 
protect that head of yours, well, maybe what's inside doesn't matter all that 
much to the world and you're only confirming what Darwin meant when he said 
dumbass's will die early and help thin out the herd.

Wear that helmet, for yourself and those who care about you.  I just don't get 
it.  I'm afraid of nothing (except for flying in airplanes and Jesus) but I put 
that helmet on because I know it's the right thing to do.

If the only reason you have for not wearing one has to do with "how you look" 
while riding a horse, forget about it.  Nobody cares. Real riders aren't 
looking at you anyway.  They're looking at the trail.  If you want my 
attention, ride nakid (females only); I'll look up for that one, but, please, 
put on that helmet.  I ain't lookin at your head anyway.


We all make choices we feel are right for us. And when it comes to wearing 
helmets, it sure is not because we are "afraid of our horses".

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