There is NO WAY in hell any ride manager would let that happen, and I would hope we'd all have the common sense to know it. This has gone to the level of ridiculousness that we should not have to see on RC. One of the silliest comments I have seen on here in? 8 years, and THAT is saying a lot.?
On Feb 21, 2006, at 2:53 PM, Truman Prevatt wrote:
In the case of a serious emergency I would much rather be in to position of arguing that the imposed age limit is sufficient than defending the fact that under the current AERC rules a parent could tie a 3 month old kid to the saddle and pony him for 100 miles. Under the current AERC rule as soon as they exit the womb - they are eligible to do an AERC ride. Is that what we really want? What Joe points out is a need to bring some reason to the issue.