[RC] Hot, Steamy and Passionate at the AERC Convention - Oldwaggy
I'm talking about the opinions you'll hear at the Hot Topics Workshops in
San Antonio, of course. What you do on your own time is none of my
business. As usual, the workshops will start at 7 a.m. on both Friday and
Saturday and be over before the educational seminars start. I generally
glance over the various email lists for member and board communications to
figure out what are the hot topics of the day. I like to explore issues
which have long term implications for all of us in the AERC.
So, for Friday I want to start with a discussion of revision of our
anti-drug rule, Rule 13, and about drug testing procedures. As our sport
and technology develop and more money comes into endurance riding, the topic of
drugs in our horses is becoming way more complicated. The Veterinary and
Legal Committees have been working on some ideas for the board to consider for
revamping our drug rules and policies. Now is the perfect time for members
to tell us what they think.
For Saturday, we will start with a short presentation from Laura Hayes from
the Horse Welfare Committee to summarize horse deaths in AERC events last
year. We will then move into our main Saturday morning topic, whether the
AERC should be spending time and money promoting education, research, and trail
preservation or just focus on sanctioning endurance rides and keeping records
for the riders and horses. The answer to this question has important
implications for how the AERC governs itself and manages it finances. We
need to hear what you want.
Speaking of finances, I will also give a very short overview at the end of
the Saturday morning session about what you can do about your estate planning to
remember the AERC. Nothing wrong with some truly long term planning for
both the organization and ourselves.
As usual, the Hot Topics Workshops are one place you can really speak your
mind. (And expect everyone else to really let you know what they think in
response.) They are well attending by the same board members who will
making decision on these issues at the board meetings during the convention. I'm
mainly there to keep people civil and on topic, and move things along. But
its definitely our members with something to say who are the stars of the
show. See you there, bright and early!