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RE: [RC] Limited Aged Riders - heidi

For the record, I'd rather my child sit on a horse for an indeterminate 
amount of time and go somewhere because of it rather than sit in the house 
and get dusty...physically, emotionally and spiritually. 
Turning over the well-being of my child to a horse I know to be reliable (for 
me), seems mo'bedda than turning over my child to a: Lap Top, Cartoon 
Network, X-Box, Yugi-Oh Cards and the rest of the new-fangled babysitters one 
can pick up at Walmart and such places. 
There's Grace available in interacting with horses that Play Station just 
cannot replicate.  

Frank, you got that right!  The kids I deal with in local after-school
programs, etc. have had plenty of access to those sorts of babysitters.
And they are worse off for it.  They could have done with a little more
old-fashioned horseback riding.



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