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[RC] Bitless - WRSINOSKYReading several of the responses to Jennifer's inquiry causes me to breathe a sigh of relief. I thought I was the Lone Ranger out there, having trouble with my horse. Don, you said it exactly right. Sebastian LOVED the bitless.Yes, I had one...once.? Sent it back to the maker and she redesigned it for a bit.? I know alot of people swear by them. Of course, alot of people say you don't have a well trained horse if you can't use a bitless bridle.? Oh well, I guess Sebastian isn't well trained in their eyes. I know Doimas is only as well trained as he feels on any particular day (or moment). I was very excited when I got my bitless. So excited in fact, that I did one of the Number One things you never do. I put the bridle on Sebastian the Neurotic and went out for a ride. I think it took him two or three minutes to discover I had no control. This is the abused guy who has lots of "issues" and a tendency to bolt (my little experience with him racing hell bent down the mountainside at the last LD). We had only gone about a mile when he started giving me problems. They continued to escalate, with me constantly circling him and not giving him his head. We met up with a friend and went another two miles.? Next thing I know, Sebastian has done a 180 and is flying across the field at a dead run. I had absolutely no control (which is why he bolted in the first place) and knew he would run the 3 miles home (yep, this guy doesn't even stop to take a bite of grass), crossing paved roads and up and down some steep banks. When I realized both my feet had somehow gotten on his rump, I decided it was time to bail and we parted company. Got a torn rotator cuff for my experiment. That's my story. You do not have the control as with a bit. If the horse gets it in his mind to bolt, he can...unless you stay constantly on watch and don't give him any lose rein. If the horse has no mental problems and is well trained (like ridden with a halter at times), then I think they are wonderful.? Someday, I might try it on my 3 y/o filly. Sebastian?? Never again. And he was the one I bought the damn thing for. I'm with Don on this one. Sebastian would love for me to use my bitless on him again. Actually, I do. Now that it has a place to add a bit, it's what I ride him with all the time. Cindy Edwards Buckeye, AZ