Re: [RC] Training Partners vs. Training Solo - Carolyn BurgessI prefer to train by myself. I started out training in a group and my horse then required to be ridden in a group of horses. When I train by myself, the horse has learned to focus on me and doesn't require another horse around. I can also set what I want to work on on any particular training ride. Also, riding in a group tends to allow for socializing, which detracts from the focus on meeting certain goals in training. I still train with other horses, but it is so that my horse is fine with horses. And that training partner for me is my husband, who understands what my goals are. Sometimes our rides are pleasure rides (which are also part of training) and sometime they are strickly training rides: sometimes training for my horse, sometimes training for his horse. Carolyn Burgess "K. P. Ross" <kpross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: