I thought for years about trimming my own horses, but I had an
exceptional farrier. I moved about 70 miles away, so it is not always easy to
get him to come see my horses, I know he really doesn't like to drive that far
for two trims. I now have a horse that will not let any one else trim her feet,
I worked with her for 7 months, and no amount of sedation makes her safe for any
one else to handle her back feet. Luckily, she has great feet, so my work is
minimal, but it is hard WORK. I don't mind working with my guys, but I
would not want to do it for a living. I know I would be on the way to back
Oh..forget those breeds......get an Icelandic Horse!!! Raven (one
>> of> Debbie's best buddies) > >Jody didn't mention
that she is still going to every ride she can get >to...doing
100's...AND SHOEING HER OWN HORSES. Dang it Jody...much as I >hate to
say it since you're shoeing one for me to ride...sounds like >you'd
better give that up...or you *will* end up on a gaited horse (Can I >
sponsor Joni if you can't keep up?)
>eg< > >Angie
Jody shod Kahlil for several years, and
she did the best job of any shoer he ever had. I wonder if her
shoeing horses is related to her back problem?