Re: [RC] What do you want in a boarding facility - Stacy Sadar
Clean stalls if you say they will be cleaned
Feed when you say you are going to feed or let them know that there is no schedule (which I prefer).
Turn out if you say you are going to
Don't turn horses out together who don't get along...I've left places over this.."oh, they'll fight it's good for them."
Get rid of the trouble makers! Your good boarders will just leave without saying a word if you don't keep it "nice" for them to come to the barn...especially if it's a small facility.
Keep Barn clean
Keep manure pile down
If you have an arena, drag it every so often....I'm not picky about this because I hate arenas, but others are
NO DOGS! I don't like them running around when I'm trying to ride. We had one at one place who used to steal your tack. "Well, you shouldn't leave it where he can get it." Hello! I'm using it! How about
putting the dog away!
No Rats, Mice, etc. If you have to use an exterminator, do it. The last thing I want is a rat in my horse's stall.
Rules: Post them and make people abide by them. Don't make them too crazy or people will leave.
Good Hay!!!! If you feed hay in the pasture, make sure all the horses are getting some.
Make all new horses coming in have their health certificate, shots, or whatever given to you BEFORE they actually arrive. I really hate when someone comes in today but finally brings their records a week or two later. What did they bring into the barn with them. Had this happen and the person came from a barn with Strangles!
Highly recommend a worming schedule. I had one barn years ago that every 2 months hung a dewormer on your door and charged you an extra 5 bucks for it. If it was still hanging on your door a week after it was put it up, the horse was given the
dewormer and charged you $10. Had to do this because there were horses who had THREE wormers hanging on thier doors. mmmm...that means that owner hadn't been out in 6 months.
Organize vet visits to save everyone money.
That's all I can think of right now that are at the top.