Sorry about that last post. Forgot to take the stationary option off.
OK Folks. I expected to get flamed but lets not get personal. I am simply
trying to demonstrate to the group of people in the West region with a
particular viewpoint of LD rides why their approach to recording LD rides
creates a division among participants in this region and between this region and
other regions. Other regions do it differently. We are the only region that
doesn't record times and placements for LD riders. Kim stated exactly what I was
saying. You don't need an organized ride to know how fast you went or how well
your horse recovers. You need placings to compare yourself to a benchmark
whether it be yourself or others. As the LD segment becomes larger, more riders
will want their placings recorded if they don't want that now. A group in the
west is very much opposed to that because they feel it promotes racing. I
pointed out early on that can be controlled via other means such as lowered
criteria (a 56 pulse rather than 60). The method that has been chosen to record
LDs creates ill will. If you don't think so why have LD riders posted their
concerns here in RideCamp. Barbara and Merryben may be right that the rules are
vague and maybe that was done on purpose. I don't know, I wasn't there. But the
issue can be resolved by changing the wording of the rules from "If" and "may"
to "will". Then there would be no room for argument, LD riders would have their
times recorded in the same manner as everyone else and they wouldn't feel
slighted. I don't see what the big deal is about that. I originally indicated
that it may have to do with ego or the need to feel different on the part of
those opposed. I don't know. I have yet to hear a good argument why times are
not recorded other than it is a training ride and it doesn't matter. To whom
doesn't it matter! You. It does seem to matter to others. Maybe it is a small
group but I don't think so. There are many people who only ride LDs and don't
intend to ride anything else. I get to talk, see and email an awful lot of
people that are involved in this sport through my business. I can tell you a lot
of the LD riders tell me that they are upset with the current situation. This
email came from a rider in the PS region in response to my original post "thank
you! This is also happening in the ps region. we are so tired
of being ignored at rides, just because we choose, for whatever reason to ride
the shortest distance offered and charged for." They pay the same amount of
money in many cases and they simply want to be treated with the same respect
that other riders are offered. I don't think the distance one rides should
determine the level of respect given. I don't think you would be willing to buy
lesser quality tack than a longer distance rider does and pay the same money
simply because you ride a shorter distance. If you really think endurance is
only 50 miles or more than why offer an LD. Let NATRC do it. If the ride
managers need the funds from the LD riders to support the other distances then
they and AERC need to be responsive to what the marketplace of LD riders
Yes Kim, I do have friends that provide a lot of what a ride provides. We
are blessed that we only have to travel 15-30 minutes to ride the same trails
that you pay $100 to ride when you come up here for organized rides. We know the
trails, we know where there is water, we sometimes have vets who ride with us
and have one of the premier vet facilities right at the edge of BLM land (FT.
Ord - Steinbeck Vet) where we ride. We are still trying to figure out how to
move the entire Tevis trail down here so we will have everything. It would be
great to have both Swanton and Tevis within 15 minutes of our homes. On any
given day you can ride out on these trails and find many of the top level
endurance riders in the western region riding these trails. I am personally
blessed that they have been willing to mentor me and provide advice with regard
to my riding and my business. Yet organized rides do provide something more in
the sense that they are like a party. Unfortunately, like at some parties, some
of the guests feel excluded. It's wrong to do that and we should be more
inclusive rather than more exclusive. That is how we will grow our organization
for many years to come.
Well, enough said on this subject. I am sure it will come up at convention
and maybe it will be resolved there. In the meantime I've got only six days
before I go to Scottsdale for 2 weeks for the Arabian show, so I am going to cut
out of work early again and go ride. The weather here is stunning, 70 degrees
and sunny. See you out at Ft. Ord today and Swanton tomorrow.