Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.3458 - Barbara McCrary
Has the person who wrote "ride managers look
at our sport as a money-making opportunity" ever organized, developed and
managed a ride? If so, please let many of us ride managers know how money
is to be made doing this. If not, I suggest he/she try doing just
that.....organize, develop and manage a ride, without charging extortionate
entry fees, and then let us know whether his/her opinion has changed after the
event. The outcome should be interesting......
We tend to forget the true meaning of our sport. I
think that it= sort of goes like this: "Endurance is the sport where our
motto= is "TO FINISH IS TO WIN" with the ability to continue
tomorrow= with a "SOUND AND ABLE" horse. We tend to forget our
roots. = And AERC is a record keeping non profit organization that
is= charged with the task of keeping record of individuals
their= horses/mules achievements in distance/miles and to help
preserve= our national trails for future generations of riders. WE
RACING= ORGANIZATION! We are loosing site of the basics the roots
of= our sport. We have gotten greedy. As a result our
ride= managers look at our sport as a money making opportunity.
Well I think you are absolutely wrong in your statement
above. I apologiize for his remarks to all the Ride Managers out there
who give us a place to enjoy our sport.