my friend pat wrote this poem about her very very special old boy.
thought y'all might enjoy it.
my first sight of slick was quite a shock, he was all ribs and bones,
looked like someone forgot.
the only thing striking in this boney mess was his bright shining eye
that stood out from the rest.
dan said "i only took him because i felt sorry for this fellow. with
some special care and feed he'll be a bright shiny yellow.
two weeks went by and i thought of this horse. the next time i saw him
needless to say he was mine of course.
the years have flown by and of all the rest slick has proven to be the
best trail horse yet.
"we're riding tomorrow and be sure to bring slick. i'm bringing a young
one and slick'll do the trick.
he's always been steady and never refused a thing. all his trail buddys
love him and think he's a king.
"bring slick up from the rear, there's an obsticle ahead. he'll lead
these horses through the things that they dread."
time is his enemy as with us all. his energy is less as mine is i
our rides are less often and not quite as fast. he's still my best trail
horse as long as he lasts.
he has a new job now and it's a sight to see. his friend seleeta has
gone blind and a seeing eye horse he's to be.
i know how blessed i am to have slick in my life. he's helped me get
throught lot's of darkness and strife.
so God up in heaven bless this old horse tonight, and see he gets
through till the morning light. 12/25/06 pat davis
patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.