Gee in all the posts on this topic, we have heard
lots and lots about those darned noisy generators. Here we are trying to enjoy
the peace and serenity of the wilderness and somebody has to go and
ruin it with a putt putt gas engine .
But in my horse camping/endurance riding
experience, there is (WOOF WOOF!!) another type of noise pollution
(OWWWW!!! OW OW OWWWWWWW!!!) that has caused me to lose way more sleep than all
the freaking generators in ( ARF ARF ARF) all of (YAP YAP YAP!!
ARRROUUOOO) North America.
I like dogs. They have their place. Howling at 2:30
am at deer or armadillios stirring in the brush in not my favoritie place
or time to become aware of everybody who brought their dogs with
them. Especially since the good folks who brought their dogs don't have
them inside their own rigs, but have left them outside for the audio
entertainment of anybody within a mile or two. The owners may plaintively call
out " Shush Fluffy. Be quiet Killer." but they usually give up and accept
their hounds calls to the wild. Now if their beloved pooch was indoors with
them, and that insessant noise was bouncing off their inside walls, they
probably would take more affirmative action to shut that noise off. Instead
they just go back inside and leave Rover to continue the chorus with all his/her
friends singing harmony.
I would gladly accept a ride managers rule that
anyone who turns on their generator at 2:00 am should be flogged through a
gauntlet of sleep deprived endurance riders...., along with any owners
of outside dogs barking madly at boogers in the night. There have been several nights that I wouldn't have been able
to hear any generator running over the chaos of all the barking dogs.