The main reason for "Caslick's" is due to pneumovagina
(aspiration of air into the vagina, or windsucking). Pneumovagina can happen in
a number of situations. In some mares, as they get older and if they have had
multiple foals, their perineal conformation predisposes them to pneumovagina. In
breeding mares, this can lead to not only the aspiration of air, but also of
bacteria, leading to inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis), which can then
extend to the cervix and possibly into the uterus. These conditions can
make successful breeding of a mare very difficult. The initial vaginitis
may lead to cervicitis and acute endometritis resulting in subfertility.
Contamination of the caudal reproductive tract with bacteria during pregnancy
can result in embryonic death, and in late pregnancy can result in the
development of placentitis and lead to abortion. Furthermore, the pneumovagina
may lead to a urovagina (urine pooling within the vagina).
On our older broodmares we do most of them to prevent infection during
gestation. On all our race fillies and mares will also "Caslick's",
not because of breeding soundness, but to prevent pneumovagina. Not only does
the air in the vagina become uncomfortable, but it pulls in all the debris. How
many times have you ridden behind a mare on the trail and she has sounded like a
wet slippy slop. All that loose manure being drawn up inside can make for a
real nasty case of the funks. Let's face it they don't make Summers
eve in clover sent for the big girls. It is also a delay when you have your mare
cultured before breeding and she is infected. You have to start
by cleaning her out and a route of antibiotics.
Horses are not like humans, they only use that thing for the
sole purpose of having foals. It is not like humans it pitches down
and wells up inside and does not have the gravity to help keep it
flushed like humans do. It is not like a chastity belt to prevent her
form getting jumped. If nature take a mind to it, the stallion will not
care one way or the other. She will be real unhappy. But, I have forgot to
check prior to dropping one off at the breeding shack. Nothing like running up
in the back of the trailer and taking a peek between the cheeks to make sure the
path is clear before he gets started.
It does not sound pretty but, neither is the silly orange life jacket my
mom use to make us wear in the jon boat when we were kids.